Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Global Resource of Choice

                                                          By Lisa Martin

The United Nations Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is committed to bringing countries together to identify ways to improve education, promote global peace, preserve the environment, and so many other important issues. You can read about their mission and goals at their website  I chose UNESCO as a resource because I believe that there are many challenges facing the world and young children that require unified and focused resolutions, which take into consideration all people, and it all starts with education. It has taken us some time to reach the point where we realize education is the key to global economic growth and progress. I read this very interesting article on the UNESCO website regarding the importance of educating children on biodiversity. “Biodiversity is the foundation for healthy ecosystems and sustainable human development. It touches on all aspects of our lives - from our security to our welfare, from our social relations to our health” (UNESCO, 2012). We have been talking about and stressing the importance of teaching children about human diversity, but they also need to be aware of diversity among all living things. The biodiversity component is a part of a much larger initiative concerning education for sustainable development. “Education for Sustainable Development means including key sustainable development issues into teaching and learning; for example, climate change, disaster risk reduction, biodiversity, poverty reduction, and sustainable consumption” (UNESCO, 2012).

I believe just as we teach our young children to recycle, we should teach them how to take care of the planet on a whole. We should teach them about the importance of respecting life in all forms and preserving it. One of the primary purposes of education is socialization, creating socially responsible, productive individuals able to contribute to society. In many ways this is one of the major goals of UNESCO to protect the rights of children and families everywhere and contribute to a better quality of life for all, as well as a more productive and sustainable global population.  Although, UNESCO functions on an international stage, I believe some of their core values can assist the United States in dealing with the changing demographics. Ideas like greater intercultural communications and increased teacher training can help us improve our early education system. I recommend you check out the UNESCO website and read their education goals for 2015.

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and cultural Organization. (2012). Biodiversity and education. Retrieved November 8, 2012 from


  1. It's good to know you also chose the UNESCO website. I noted some points from your post. The first one says children should be taught to respect life in all forms. A nother point was that a body like UNESCO was necessary for unified resolutions on education policies. Finally loved the statement that education is the key to global economic growth progress.

  2. I like your point you made about education being the key to global economic growth and what education is.

  3. What an interesting topic you chose! I believe children should be taught to respect all forms of life in a sense...and am glad there is a website/organization that can further provide information on the topic.
